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Inspiring Changed Lives

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Lisa Nichols


LISA NICHOLS is one of the world’s most-requested motivational speakers, as well as a media personality and CEO of Motivating the Masses, whose global platform has reached nearly 80 million people.

BJ Foster as Founder and Chief Executive of More Than Enough - Inspiring Changed Lives, has developed programs and workshops that have transformed the lives of countless women and children, and altered the trajectory of families living in poverty .

BJ is also the best selling author of Rebound, Staging a Spiritual Comeback an International best seller being utilized in church groups and book clubs across America. Reaching as far as Hawaii, United Kingdom and Guam, Rebound gives personal insight and strategy into getting back up after being physical, emotionally, and spiritually sidelined by hardships and setbacks. Finding your inner strength and tapping into your God given resilience to start again.

BJ's extraordinary story of personal transformation from poverty to Hollywood's elite to becoming a beacon of light to the homeless and destitute drives her passion to help others reposition themselves to start again. She is transforming lives one person at a time.


Speaking Topics


More Than Enough, we are standing, arm and arm, in our power as chain breakers.

Our Mission

Rebound: Staging a Spiritual Comeback

Rebounding, the amazing ability to bounce back no matter the

odds against you while remaining nimble in the face of everyday

challenges, and hopeful for the future. The good news? Rebounding

is a mindset, and a practice that can be learned, developed and



Audiences will gain muscles of spiritual and emotional resilience and

learn to tap into their reserve tank to overcome obstacles, hardships

and setbacks. Everything we endure serves a purpose. "Our sufferings

are simply the breadcrumbs leading to our destiny." Here we learn to

face our sufferings and courageously follow that road to spiritual and

emotional freedom.




" N O T  E V E R Y T H I N G  F A C E D  C A N  B E  C H A N G E D ,

B U T  N O T H I N G  C A N  B E  C H A N G E D 

I F  I T  I S  N O T  F A C E D ."


Navigating Transition
Releasing your past - to Embrace your future

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as

staying stuck somewhere you don't belong. Whether it's the silver

screen of Hollywood, the company boardroom, or a college major

- we've all, at some point, settled for safe. Transition, is where we

pass through the corridor of today to our tomorrow.


Your next level is waiting for you. Audiences experience the free

fall of releasing your past so that you can embrace your future.

Reclaiming your destiny out of the hands of others. Pushing out

the voices of distraction, jumping over others imposed dreams

and mastering internal peace by being true to you.

Don't get stuck in transition.



Navigating between what was and what is not yet!


A Day in Their Shoes

SAWUBONA, a Zulu greeting simply saying: "We see you".

Here is where we learn to breathe life into the next generation

by bringing the 'Invisibles' into focus. Being the championing

voice for the voiceless. Helping kids to see the power within by

beginning with ourselves.


Children In Transition are kids born invisible! In a society that

celebrates perfection, we are losing our kids at a breath-taking rate.

Whether living with disabilities, poverty, tangled in abuse, or lost in

mental despair, these are 'the invisibles children' we've turned a

blind eye to.


A Day in their Shoes is a powerful series outlining and stepping into

the lives of the 1.6 million homeless students living in America. Opening the eyes and hearts of those with sight to the plight of those we've chosen not to see. Through this moving workshop audiences gain insight into their blind spots towards the world around them: social, racial, and economic bias that we all have and the damaging effect it has on our kids. Children silently crying out .... SEE ME!


I am more than my Circumstances.

I am More Than Enough!


"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

(Gal. 5:1-2)

Our Mission

Together we can break every chain that binds us to a lesser person than the Creator intended. More Than Enough, we are standing, arm and arm,  in our power as chain breakers.

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 Inspiring Changed Lives

560 Mill St. #204

Reno, NV. 89502



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