Q. What more can He give? Calvary to the road to Dasmascus - a meaningful act of love and sacrifice.
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Q. Is it time for your breakthrough? or have you learned to live with what Jesus died to take away?
Q. Why God? the question most often asked in hard times. Change the len and you'll see the miracle.
Q. Leaving the valley for the mountaintop is everyone's desire, but are you ready for the journey?
Q. Who are you allowing to talk you out of God's direction for you? Who's life are you living?
I have lived my life treading water and honestly, I'm tired. How do you break free of the cycle?
Q. Is it time to say, not today, Satan? The fight is not over you, but your your circle of influence
Q. The problem with the Dead Sea is it has no outlet. Has your heart become trapped with no outlet?
Q. Is it what you're given or what you do with what you're given that matters most?
Q. Were you ever afraid of the 'after' journey? After the fight, then what?
Q. How was walking away from the successes of your past your key to freedom?
Q. Are you replacing God's presence with God's presents? Entitlement, the threat to God's blessings.
Q. Is God still your promise keeper or just the keeper of your promises? Holding back blessings.
Q. Are you being victimized by you ?Holding on to a dysfunctional system that doesn't serve you.
Q. Success is irrelevant to purpose. Are you dodging God's purpose for your life?
Q. What will it take to turn the light back on? No longer content to be a disconnected Christians.
Q. You talk a lot about 'walking in freedom', how do you do that when you're constantly in pain?
Q. Training or retreating? How do you come to embracing the training rather than run away from it?
Q. Did you ever feel you wouldn't make it through?
Q. What were some spiritual practices that helped you Rebound after being stagnate for so long?
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